An Indian Takeover of Sri Lanka?

by Wakeley Paul; originally published January 22, 2004

While both the LTTE and the Sri Lankan President are claiming friendship with the Indian government, it is obvious that the Indian government is playing up to the President rather than the LTTE. The Indian government has declined the invitation to be part of the aid donor group giving funds directly to the LTTE. Instead, they are offering arms and training for the Sinhalese Army; and aerial surveillance of the North as part and parcel of their promise to repair the Palaly Airport. Why do we need the Indians to do this? Does the S L government have no road engineers to repair the runways and redesign the airport? Why again, if Federalism is the goal of peace negotiations, does the Sri Lankan government need an airport in Palaly?

Could that not be administered by the Federal Administration of the Northeast? Or is it the government¹s intention to continue to rule the Northeast with its much resented military presence?

What the average Sinhalese should be more scared of than a Federal government in the North, is an Indian takeover of the whole island. It is surprising that the UNF has not raised this fear among their Sinhalese constituents; unless they too are also willing to risk Indian involvement regardless of the cost to the Nation. How shortsighted can the Sinhalese voters to be as to the possibility of an Indian takeover? Ambassodor Dixit hinted at this in the 80’s at the time of the Indo-Sri Lankan Accord. Other Indian leaders have indicated that this should be their goal.

While the U.S. and Australia may look upon such an eventuality with total disapproval, what can they do about it? The U S has its hands full, fighting global terror by Muslim extremists; and Australia has its eyes trained on that same ever present danger. Anti Indian sentiment among Muslims is not new to Indians. Taking over Sri Lanka will not add to their woes on that front. It will, on the otherhand, enhance their national reputation.

The average Sinhalese should be more careful about this for two reasons. The Tamils are already subject to alien rule. Exchanging one more alien ruler for yet another is no big deal. The second is that the LTTE can fight the Indians far more effectively than the SL Army can. That army will be caught in the middle of their own strategy of negotiating deals with the Indians and being dominated by them.

The LTTE should not at this stage dream that the Indian government is on their side. The fact is that the Indians are on neither side. The Indians are only on their own side, like all other nations on earth. The sooner everyone realizes this, the better it will be for all residents of the island.

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