Basketball Tournament to Benefit NorthEast children

San Diego, October 30

Dear Friends,

My name is Greg Buie, and I had an article posted on the Sangam website recently entitled “Inspiration and Hope: The Youth of Sri Lanka.

I would like to tell you about a charity event I am planning for the end of this month in San Diego, California.  All of the profits will benefit the youth I worked with this past summer in Jaffna, Sri Lanka.

The event is called Hoops for Hope, and it is a basketball tournament open to the public.  There are teams representing several organizations at UC San Diego, as well as San Diego State University, and teams from Los Angeles and Santa Barbara.  It will be hosted at the UCSD campus on the John Muir Outdoor basketball courts from 11:00am thru 6:00pm.  Entrance fees are $40/team, and all participants will receive t-shirts.  Those interested in playing should contact me immediately at ">, or ">, or "> (any of those works just fine).

For those who live in the Southern California area and are interested in attending, they are highly encouraged to come and support the cause!  There will be several photos from Sri Lanka on display at the exhibit, which will be set up next to the basketball tournament.  There are 11 other countries represented as well.  There is no charge to watch the tourney or look at the exhibit, though donations will gladly be accepted.

For those individuals who are interested in donating to the cause, donations are of course gladly accepted.  And 100% of the proceeds will go to these youth and the children’s homes in which they live.  Checks should be made out to Christie Communications and mailed to me.  They can email me, and I will reply with my address.  That would be fantastic!

I really want the Sri Lankan community to get involved and support us, as I am only one student who simply cannot forget the amazing youth I worked with this summer.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration!


Greg Buie

P.S. I have copied below an email that was sent out to the student body here at UCSD that provides a little more info. on the event. Thanks again!

Proudly announcing a charity event to benefit the youth of Northeast Sri Lanka…..
Hoops for Hope
A Charity Basketball Tournament
Beyond the Faces
A Photography Exhibit from Around the World

Saturday, October 30th
UCSD campus: John Muir Outdoor Basketball Courts
11:00am – 6:00pm
Basketball Tourney, Photo Exhibit (set up next to the tourney), DJ, BBQ, Raffle…

Interested in participating in this charity event?  We need teams of 3 (there will be a coed and men’s division, and a women’s division) to play in this charity tournament.  Entrance fee is $40/team, which is roughly $13/person.  All participants receive t-shirts!  100% of the proceeds benefit these Sri Lankan youth.  If you are interested in playing, please contact immediately (include your phone #) Greg Buie, program organizer, at  or , and all necessary forms and info. will be forwarded to you promptly.  Please register ASAP, as the tourney date is rapidly approaching! We need teams to play, so come get involved in this worthy cause!

Join me in sending a strong message to the youth of Northeast Sri Lanka that there is hope for a better future, and that there are those who are committed to helping them realize their dreams!!!

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