Canada’s concept of unity and diversity has a special appeal to the Eelam Tamils. Sri Lanka should learn lessons from Canada for it to survive in dignity and self honour.
Canada is also a classic example of how a multi lingual, multi national, multi religious state can preserve its beauty as a rainbow attracting global attention. As this writer had said earlier Canada’s total commitment to unity and diversity is a warning to those who foolishly believe in dull monotonous uniformity that can bring total disaster in the global context.
The writer of this article would like to quote some passages from the forward given by Mitch Engel, Barrister and Solicitor to Mr. Samy Appathurai’s book, ” Canada An Evolving Vision.” This is what he says , “It is imperative that we listen to someone who views matters both as an immigrant and a patriotic Canadian who is grateful to and loves the land which gave him and many others like him refuge as it had with the waves of Scottish, Irish and British immigrants which followed the French and those who continued to arrive to the land so beautifully described in Samy Appathurai’s first book, ” Canada- The Meat of the World Sandwich” (2009)
The supreme value of this book is the author’s deep love and concern for the future of this country which gave him and continues to give him and many others abundant opportunities to fully participate in our society and contribute to its future. It is delightful to see how Samy repeats the oath of Canadian citizenship in this book and highlights how much this oath means to him in this critical analysis of immigration policies and demographic changes.
“Samy moves so gracefully in this work from the history of Canadian immigration policies to deep thought about the reconciliation process of the First Nations people of this country, and comes to a beautiful analysis of the Canadian economy and gives intelligent and valuable advice to policy makers and concerned citizens. Samy comes from a civilization with a very long history and is learning to be patient with this young giant of a nation, Canada.”
“Canadians have taken great pride in accepting large numbers of refugees from Syria from recent months and Samy Appathurai while also very proud of this accomplishment outlines very carefully in “Canada- An Evolving Vision.” That are also immigration policies that were not always generous. Samy describes that the early days of this nation, immigration was directed to those born of the British culture and many were deemed as’ undesirable’. Samy outlines quite extensively the exact immigration policies that led to would be immigrants from other European countries, Asian and South Asians either getting barred and entirely from entering Canada or drastically limiting the number of immigrants from these groups that would be received. Samy in his analysis does not condem Canada; rather he’s reminding us the importance of remembering our mistakes so that we can move forward in creating an even better future”
In this context the writer would like to mention with pain of mind that he himself is a victim of the immigration policies of the Canadian government of “being not so generous.” The writer’s immigration case is still pending without any valid reason for the last 8 years. The writer is still hopeful that the present Liberal government will be liberal in its attitude towards this writer whose love for Canada is not less than anyone.
“Mr Samy Appathurai says Canada is an enviable young nation of only one and a half centuries worth of history. Among many other nations that are enriched with glorious ancient civilizations that are highly advanced economically and politically stable in terms of democratic rule when compared the former colonial rulers, the former USSR, USA, and the emerging super powers of China, India and Brazil. When comparing Canada with these nations, Canada has certain unique qualities. I don’t mean to undervalue the strength outstanding achievements, progress and richness of these other nations, but allow me to cite some examples for how those nations cannot reach the unique position that Canada has attained and maintained for a short period of time. For example China is progressing rapidly in its economy, strengthening its military power, entering into space research and has a steady government. But still, it is lacking in terms of respect for the fundamental freedom of expression, press and basic economic freedom its so-called proletarial dictatorship proclaimed as another form of democracy. The Amnesty International annual report on China has documented wide spread human rights violation in the country.”
The above comparative study of Mr. Samy Appathurai and placing Canada as a unique country is thought provoking and is a welcome feature.
Canada’s original inhabitants were aboriginal people whose civilizations faded after European arrivals which started in the 15th century, French and British were the first arrivals to Canada.
A self governing entity named Canada came into existence from 1867 when the province of Canada with two other British colonies of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia through Confederation. This year 1867 is recognised as the year of birth of Canada and 2017 is the 150th year of its birth as one of the most prosperous countries in the world, a country which nurses and supports multi-lingualism, and socioeconomic development as its main objectives.
Canada is one of the north American countries with the other countries, USA and Mexico, as Canada’s powerful neighbour USA usually influences Canada in foreign relations besides USA being the main importer of oil from Canada.
Friendly and neighbourly relationships exist between exist between the two countries though occasional irritants surface in matters of trade and monitory policies.
Since the end of second world war Canadians have nurtured an international self identity aimed at peace keeping and upholding global human rights.
Canada is proud to hold the distinction of the drafting of the universal declaration of human rights in 1947-8 adapted by the United Nations in 1948. This universal declaration of human rights was achieved by the Canadian Legal Scholar John Peters Humphrey and former US first lady Eleanor Roosevelt.
Canada now has 10 provinces with Ottawa as its capital constituting as a confederation. English and French are the official languages. It has a population of 35 million composing of more than 150 ethnicities.
One is proud to note the role of Canada as a champion of human rights in the world. The nation which provides sanctuary to the thousands of refugees fleeing oppressive regimes and providing the much needed human dignity and self respect to them while proceeding to integrate them as equal citizens of Canada.
In this respect it is to be noted that Toronto is the largest commercial city has a population of 2.8 million out of which where 51% were born outside of Canada. Toronto is largely a city of migrants and an example of a city in unity and diversity. Canada being the leading country in the world to provide asylum to genuine refugee claimants, there is no reason for any such refugee claimant to fear or entertain any doubts as to the safety, security and permanent residence in Canada.
In this respect it’s to be stated that Sri Lankan Tamils who have suffered immensely in the hands of the successive Sri Lankan government in the forms of racial and linguistic discrimination and marginalization, with several pogroms in 1958, 1977, 1979, 1983, 1987, 1995 and 2009, have all reasons to cheer and salute Canada for embracing and providing the asylum to about 250 000 Tamils from 1984, Tamils are still not safe and secure in Sri Lanka due to military occupation and rule in their north and east. It’s the plea of Tamils of Canada to assure their security even allowing them to stay in Canada on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.
It’s the plea of Tamils in Canada that it will be boosting its role as a global human rights leader, when it passes another global legislation called the Magnisky which will be a nightmare for human rights violating countries and individuals who will face sanctions, visa bans, freezing of assets for the human rights crimes committed.
In this context the writer would like to mention that he met the Prime Minster Steven Harper when he was an MP in Sri Lanka on November 8, 2007 and pleaded that the Canadian government must come to the rescue of the Eelam Tamils as they face genocide and economic strangulation. The writer told him that there is a determined move to wipe out the Tamil race from Sri Lanka. As such before the blood bath takes place and an urgent intervention from the Canadian government will save the situation. The writer further emphasised that Canada might consider offering the Canadian constitution for a model for talks between the LTTE and the Sri Lankan government. The writer also added Eelam Tamils consider the Canadian federal constitution as a pragmatic solution to a multilingual, multinational and multi religious state as Sri Lanka. He also told that Eelam Tamils are prepared to give serious thought to the Canadian constitution as a classic one to preserve unity in diversity.
The writer also pleaded with Harper that the Canadian government should exert political and moral pressure on the Sri Lankan government for it to rethink and reshape its policy towards the Tamils. But if the offer by the Canadian government is spurned by the Sri Lankan government Canada is duty bound to recognise the de facto state of Tamil Eelam in which Tamils could live in peace dignity and security.
After 4 years of this meeting the writer pleaded that the Canadian government to boycott the Commonwealth Summit in Sri Lanka and a reply came back in November 3, 2011 that the government will take the claims seriously.
Immediately following the Tamil genocide in 2009 the writer pleaded with Jack Layton that he must come to our rescue and he responded in a positive manner and raised the issue with other Canadian leaders and raised the issue in the UN. We are eternally grateful to Jack Layton to be committed to our cause.
The writer is not confined to any party or to any leaders in Canada. He pleaded with Trudeau when he came to power in 2015 that was documented in the Tamil Mirror in October 2015. We are confidant the liberal thinking Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will devote his attention among other matters to this matter of UN’s and international concern, and initiate appropriate steps to solve the 60 year old unresolved problem.
Canada is a great nation but its indigenous people have protested during its 150 year celebrations that politicians failed to fulfill their promises.
While all appreciate the Canadian government action to welcome Syrian refugees, Canada did not act swiftly to bring refugees when Sri Lankan regime committed genocide against Tamils or when genocide committed in Ruwanda. Politicians should be impartial, objective, and fair and it is shame to continue to have diplomatic relations with alleged war criminal Sri Lankan regime that continues to fail despite promises to International community to deliver Justice to victims.
Successive Sri Lankan regimes have been oppressing the Tamils since the British colonial rulers left the island. UK MP Dr. Rachel Joyce has said that the UK Colonial rulers have made the worst blunder in leaving Tamil Eelam with Sri Lanka together that resulted in mass human sufferings, rape, murder and destruction. Eelam was merged for easy administration and should have separated by the British. Britain is responsible for Tamils sufferings and it should take appropriate action to separate Eelam to put an end to Sinhala Buddhist Apartheid, racism and madness.