Search Results for: feed

War Crimes and Curry Publishing a book about a highly charged ethnic conflict in which tens of thousands have died is no path to a peaceful life. You only need to look at the racial abuse and filthy language in the comments sections of online sites frequented by Sri Lankans to see how intense the emotions still are…. Read more »

Depicting Things That Should Never Have to be Shown

How have you gathered evidence for this movie?

The footage comes from a variety of sources. Much of it was taken by Tamils trapped in the war zone – but much has also been taken by Sri Lankan army personnel and circulated as war trophies. This is the case of the images of Balachandran, for example – they were taken by soldiers, and eventually passed along to us by a group called Journalists for Democracy in Sri Lanka. It is an extremely brave organization that has been at the forefront of getting evidence out there – and ironically the very organization the Sri Lankan Ambassador just called a “shadowy group”.

Survey: Sri Lanka’s LLRC Progress

Sri Lanka has long had a problem with disappearances. Accordingly, the LLRC sought to address this issue in its final report, which includes the following two recommendations:

Recommendation 9.46: Investigate allegations of abductions, enforced or involuntary disappearance; bring perpetrators to justice.
Recommendation 9.51: “…the Commission recommends that a Special Commissioner of Investigation be appointed to investigate alleged disappearances and provide material to the Attorney General to initiate criminal proceedings where appropriate.”

Yet the GoSL’s record on disappearances continues to be a concern. Appallingly, 25% of TSA survey respondents have had a family member disappear. And that individual was usually the principal incomer earner of the family.

ICG: Sri Lanka’s Authoritarian Turn

Sri Lanka is faced with two worsening and inter-connected governance crises. The dismantling of the independent judiciary and other democratic checks on the executive and military will inevitably feed the growing ethnic tension resulting from the absence of power sharing and the denial of minority rights.

Secession Petitions Filed in 20 US States

“We must contest every single inch of ground and delay the baby-murdering, tax-raising socialists at every opportunity. But in due time, the maggots will have eaten every morsel of flesh off of the rotting corpse of the Republic, and therein lies our opportunity… Why should Vermont and Texas live under the same government? Let each go her own way in peace, sign a free trade agreement among the states and we can avoid this gut-wrenching spectacle every four years.”

Flunking My CIA Test

By design or accident, Weiss has conveniently ignored the contributions of CIA to the Sri Lankan civil war in his book of 342 pages. This is more exasperating, as he was “the United Nations spokesperson in Sri Lanka”! Phew! He cannot claim ignorance.

Articles – 2007

December, 2007 Rebellions, Leaders & Our Future Ethnic Cleansing of Tamils in Sri Lanka Tsunami Aid ‘Missing’ UN IDP Expert Urges Targeted Measures IDP Resettlement & Colonization in the East CPA Policy Brief on Humanitarian Issues Tamils Left Out of Tsunami Rehab 1997 FTO Listing Revisited Tamil Diaspora & Recognition of the Natl Problem Quotes… Read more »

All Articles 09/2003 – 08/2012

August, 2012 Re-reading a Saint: Review of “Interpreting Devotion” Burma’s Minority Rights Act Now to Save Lives in Syria TfO: Two Cheers for Amb. Butenis Act Fast for Reconciliation Broken Promises TESO Resolutions Subramanian Loonyswamy Census 2012 Spin on Economic Growth in N LLRC Action Plan a Bluff AI: Ensure Detainees Charged or Released Amnesty… Read more »

Black July – Culture of Silence

The Accomplice in Crime The Shameful Shadows of Macabre July ’83 By Oswald B. Firth OMI, July 29, 2004 Director, Centre for Society and Religion Editor Social Justice How could a community of people, steeped in the traditional values of compassion and ‘ahimsa’, ever break loose into uncivilised behaviour? “We shall have to repent in… Read more »

Fifth Guru Paramarta Story

Going Home on Horseback Front Note by Sachi Sri Kantha, June 18, 2004 The fifth story in the Guru Paramarta series describes how the Guru received a gifted horse and set out on his journey. A contemporary analogy to this fifth story of Fr.Beschi in Colombo was the latest attempts of President Chandrika and her… Read more »

Playing with Indian Fire

by Rajkumar Sivapatham, June 14, 2004 As expected by the Tamils, the Sri Lankan president is at her tricks again. That is – giving the impression that she is ready for peace talks in one hand and totally rejecting them on the other. So far, this tactic has worked very well with her Sinhalese political friends… Read more »

Pirapaharan 2, Chapter 6: Indira’s Telephone Call

By: T. Sabaratnam, June 18, 2004 (from Volume 2) Tamil Nadu Erupts Tamil Nadu erupted in anger on Tuesday, 26 July 1983, when news spread that atrocities had been committed on Tamils in Sri Lanka. Thousands of Tamils poured onto the streets in Chennai, Madurai and other cities denouncing the Jayewardene government and demanding Prime… Read more »

Guru Paramarta: Second Story

by Fr. Costanzo Beschi; published April 9, 2004 The Stories of Guru Paramarta: Second Story of the Purchase of the Horse’s Egg by Fr.Costanzo Beschi [aka, Veera MaMuni] Front Note by Sachi Sri Kantha Now that Sri Lanka’s President Chandrika Kumaratunga has anointed a new prime minister, Mahinda Rajapakse, for her government, foregoing the opportunity of… Read more »

What’s Next

by Wakeley Paul; published April 6, 2004 Nostradamus, in a brilliant two part article in The Island in February, has exhibited outstanding insight into the long term future of Sri Lanka. His knowledge, analysis and perspicacity are almost impossible to emulate. In this article, I, by contrast consider what¹s in store for us in the immediate aftermath of… Read more »

Sri Lanka Scene: A Tool For Sinhala Chauvinism

by T. Sabaratnam; Colombo, March 15, 2004 Weekly Review Karuna – a tool for Sinhala Chauvinism Karuna is the new found hero of the Sinhala people. They are thrilled about his advent. They know his real name, the tongue-twisting Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan. They are aware that he is from Kiran. They also know that the 38-year old… Read more »

‘The Destructors’

by Sachi Sri Kantha, originally published January 27, 2004 Front Note by Sachi Sri Kantha Graham Greene (1904-1991) was one of the 20th century’s most versatile story tellers in English literature. This year marks the centenary of his birth, as well as the 50th anniversary of his short story ‘The Destructors.’ When I read this short… Read more »

Celebration of a ‘Death’

by S. Rameswaran; published December 29, 2003 Celebration of a ‘Death’; a war-theme short story by S.Rameswaran Introduction by Sachi Sri Kantha War-theme fiction in Tamil language is a new genre which arose in Sri Lanka, since the Black July 1983 holocaust. This particular genre could not have been generated in other lands (Tamil Nadu, Malaysia… Read more »

Playboy Interview with Nehru

by Sachi Sri Kantha, November 18, 2003 Revisiting That Unusual Playboy magazine Interview of Nehru Introductory Note by Sachi Sri Kantha I was a bit amused to read recently a column by Gouri Chatterjee [The Telegraph, Calcutta; November 6, 2003] in which she had made passing reference to that unusual Playboy magazine interview by the then Indian prime minister Jawaharlal… Read more »