Posts Categorized: Book Reviews

Review #2: “A Fleeting Moment in My Country

Impressive social changes occurred in the Vanni under LTTE. What Gandhi, Ambedkhar, and Periyaar failed to achieve in India, the LTTE achieved in Vanni. The pervasive caste-consciousness of South Asia was eliminated. Vanni held the promise of progressive ideals for women in the society and of a government oriented toward the well being of the people. Infusing people with the spirit of struggle, it united them as one people. Indeed, it held the promise for many more social changes that would have benefited Tamils and perhaps even the whole of South Asia. This powerful example has now been destroyed. Even if an independent Tamil Eelam state is miraculously born in future, it will not bring back that hope and that promise that Vanni once held.

Impressive social changes occurred in the Vanni under LTTE. What Gandhi, Ambedkhar, and Periyaar failed to achieve in India, the LTTE achieved in Vanni. The pervasive caste-consciousness of South Asia was eliminated. Vanni held the promise of progressive ideals for women in the society and of a government oriented toward the well being of the people. Infusing people with the spirit of struggle, it united them as one people. Indeed, it held the promise for many more social changes that would have benefited Tamils and perhaps even the whole of South Asia. This powerful example has now been destroyed. Even if an independent Tamil Eelam state is miraculously born in future, it will not bring back that hope and that promise that Vanni once held.

Impressive social changes occurred in the Vanni under LTTE. What Gandhi, Ambedkhar, and Periyaar failed to achieve in India, the LTTE achieved in Vanni. The pervasive caste-consciousness of South Asia was eliminated. Vanni held the promise of progressive ideals for women in the society and of a government oriented toward the well being of the people. Infusing people with the spirit of struggle, it united them as one people. Indeed, it held the promise for many more social changes that would have benefited Tamils and perhaps even the whole of South Asia. This powerful example has now been destroyed. Even if an independent Tamil Eelam state is miraculously born in future, it will not bring back that hope and that promise that Vanni once held…

When it comes to the ideal of living free and prosperously, the Eelam Tamil-speaking people have at least learned to never say never.

Review of “A Fleeting Moment in My Country”

This is the first memoir of that momentous period that started with the heady hopes following the ceasefire, continued through the efforts to build a new society in the Vanni and areas of the East, and ended so tragically with the killing of untold tens of thousands in 2009 and the incarcerations of hundreds of thousands in internment camps.

Readers of news in English will be familiar with the narrative of 2002-2009 from the perspective of Colombo. Almost nothing has been written in English from the other side of the Omanthai checkpoint that separated government-controlled territory from that controlled by the LTTE. Those who lived there, Tamils who visited and those who read news written by Tamils are very familiar with the narrative that Malathy tells, but nobody in the rest of the world will be.

Re-reading a Saint

Karen Pechilis Prentiss was the guest of honor at the Sangam annual general meeting in November 1999.

Fragments of Grace

My Search for Meaning in the Strife of South Asia by Pamela Constable Released: May, 2004 ISBN: 1574886185 Table of Contents: Prologue Introduction Chapter One – Into the Fog Chapter Two – The River Chapter Three – Ashes in the Snow Chapter Four – The Hidden Heart Chapter Five – The Wrath of Allah Chapter Six… Read more »

Selected Writings by Gunasegaram

Mr. S.J. Gunasegaram was born in Chundikuli on the Jaffna Peninsula in 1901 and passed away in Kopay in 1964 after a life of writing prolifically on a wide variety of subjects, both in English and Tamil. Few scholars have had the skills, the urge, the courage, and the dedication that Gunasegaram had for research… Read more »

Invitation from Thamiz Kulam Pathipalayam

published June 1, 2004 Anbudaiyeer Vanakkam Attached is an invitation to the release function of the book Thodarum Thavippu written by Poonguzhali. A note on the book: This book illustrates the real-life struggle of a mother to save her son from the death penalty. Perarivalan was arrested in the Rajiv Gandhi assasination case in 1991 at the… Read more »

American Gulag

Not so many Sri Lankans are entering the American immigration detention system as a few years ago, but those who are still there need visits and assistance when they are released. -Ed. American Gulag: Inside U.S. Immigration Prisons You can also order on-line from the publisher — and read chapter 7, “The Art of Jailing”… Read more »

Review of At the Water’s Edge

by A. Sri-Jayantha; published May 14, 2004 At the Water’s Edge by Pradeep Jeganathan South Focus Press, New York 2004 ISBN 0-9748839-0-5 Pradeep Jeganathan has certainly mastered the art of the short story. Each of the seven stories in this collection is a taut, well-crafted example of the genre. Each is a unique vignette which introduces… Read more »

Review of ‘Tamils in Independent Ceylon’

by R .Shanmugananthan ; Circle Digest, Sunday, January 11 2004, Volume 2001 : Number 3321 TAMILS IN INDEPENDENT CEYLON BY: SUPPIRAMANIAM MAKENTHIRAN Makenthiran.PDF ( Mr. Suppiramaniam Makenthiran has addressed the long felt need for an account of the recent history of Eelam Tamils in English, by publishing his book Tamils of Independent Ceylon. It covers the political… Read more »

Review of ‘Elusive Mind’

by Shan Ranjit; from Circle Digest, Tuesday, December 30 2003, Volume 2001 : Number 3311 INSIDE AN ELUSIVE MIND ; BOOK REVIEW OLD WINE IN A NEW BOTTLE The latest book by Narayan Swamy (henceforth referred to as NS) on the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and its chief, Vellupillai Pirabakaran is a disappointment. I would… Read more »

Tamil Folktales in Oral Tradition

by Reet Hiiemäe; IUP Publications, India, originally posted January 3, 2004 Moral Fictions: Tamil Folktales in Oral Tradition Would readers send us a few of their favorite Sri Lankan Tamil folktales for publication? sangameditor /A_T/ hotmail /D_O_T/ com by Stuart Blackburn, edited by Lauri Honko Moral Fictions. Tamil Folktales in Oral Tradition. (FF Communications 278.)… Read more »

Celebration of a ‘Death’

by S. Rameswaran; published December 29, 2003 Celebration of a ‘Death’; a war-theme short story by S.Rameswaran Introduction by Sachi Sri Kantha War-theme fiction in Tamil language is a new genre which arose in Sri Lanka, since the Black July 1983 holocaust. This particular genre could not have been generated in other lands (Tamil Nadu, Malaysia… Read more »

Review of ‘Elusive Mind’

by Sachi Sri Kantha; originally published December 2, 2003 The first and the fibbing biography on the LTTE Leader Book Review: Inside an Elusive Mind: Prabhakaran – The First Profile of the World’s Most Ruthless Guerrilla Leader, by M.R. Narayan Swamy, Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd, Delhi, 2003, 290 pages. Indian rupees 400. US$ 7.00. In 1989, a… Read more »