Posts Categorized: Demography

Forced Migration

Confronting the Realities of Forced Migration By Stephen Castles, Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford Migration Information Source: May 1, 2004 2024 – Confronting the Realities of Forced Migra.. | Europeans, North Americans, or Australians who rely on the tabloid press might well believe that their countries were under siege by asylum seekers… Read more »

Tamils’ Health: The Diaspora’s Role

Centre for Health Care – Sri Lanka In Conjunction With Tamils Health Organization – UKare sponsoring a conference on Tamils’ Health The Diaspora’s Role At The Arnhem Conference Centre Fairfield Halls Park Lane, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1DG, UK 020 8681 0821 On Sunday, 9th May 2004. Email:info /A_T/ tamilshealth /D_O_T/ com Tel:020 8296 8480… Read more »

Wedding & Law Convocation in Vanni

by K. Mylvaganam; Tamil Circle, #3360 and #3361, published March 9, 2004 We Attended An L.T.T.E. Wedding In Vanni I have heard of the weddings taking place among the L.T.T.E. cadre, but never had the chance to attend one. This was the first time I had the rare opportunity to attend one personally. While my wife… Read more »

Fait Accompli!?

by M. Nadarajah; originally published January 16, 2004 The several Governments that have been in power in Ceylon, renamed Sri Lanka, of whichever colour or hue, and whether capitalist-oriented or socialist-oriented, have had one common objective and that has been to make it a Sinhala Buddhist country, irrespective of the fact that nearly 26% of the… Read more »

Tamil Student Volunteer Program

originally published November 20, 2003 Click here to find more information about The Student Volunteer Program (TSVP), an international development NGO coordinated by Canadian high school, college and university students: —————————————— The site had been updated with the Program’s latest experiences in the North and East of Sri Lanka, including: i) Progress reports from Fall… Read more »

Promises to Keep

by Anne Henry; Daily Mirror, Colombo, November 18, 2003 A report released by UNICEF last week on catch-up education for children in the North and East makes for uncomfortable reading. While the Board of Investment trumpets Sri Lanka’s achievements in “lead[ing] the South Asian region… with its high literacy rate of 91% placing it way ahead… Read more »

Tamil Place Names Outside the NE

by K. Kularatnam; originally published November 13, 2003 Tamil Place Names in Ceylon outside the Northern and Eastern Provincesby K. Kularatnam [source: Proceedings of the First International Conference Seminar of Tamil Studies, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 1966, vol.1, International Association of Tamil Research, 1968, pp.486-493] Introductory Note by Sachi Sri Kantha Kurankupanchan Camp in the Eelam territory… Read more »

Interim Self Governing Authority (ISGA)

Released by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, October 31, 2003 ISGA Interim Self-Governing Authority LTTE Oct 31 2003 LTTE’s proposals for an Interim Self-Governing Authority in the Northeast region of Sri Lanka THE PROPOSAL BY THE LIBERATION TIGERS OF TAMIL EELAM ON BEHALF OF THE TAMIL PEOPLE FOR AN AGREEMENT TO ESTABLISH AN INTERIM… Read more »