Posts Categorized: Diaspora

Tamil Homeland is Part of Tamil Identity

by Tamil Guardian Editorial; London, March 17, 2004 Indelible Blot – The homeland is part of the Tamil identity The standoff between the Liberation Tigers’ leadership and the rebellious former commander of the movement’s forces in the Batticaloa-Ampara districts continued this week, with several developing aspects of the crisis raising anxieties amongst the Tamil people, particularly… Read more »

Paradise Lost?

by V. Gunaratnam; published March 18, 2004 Magical names that once stirred the imagination, Pearl of the Orient, Teardrop of the Indian Ocean, Taprobane, Resplendent Isle, and Serendib, redolent of the lingering sun and emerald waters, lush tea gardens and aromatic spices, sparkling gems and intricate crafts, domed dagobas and towering temples, now conjure up nothing… Read more »

Brigitte Morgenthaler Subramaniam

by Rev. S.J. Emmanuel; published April 14, 2004 We are shocked and deeply saddened to hear of the sudden passing away of Brigitte under tragic circumstances. None can understand the depth with which this Swiss lady committed herself to the just Cause of the Tamils and moved thousands of others to do the same. The… Read more »

Wedding & Law Convocation in Vanni

by K. Mylvaganam; Tamil Circle, #3360 and #3361, published March 9, 2004 We Attended An L.T.T.E. Wedding In Vanni I have heard of the weddings taking place among the L.T.T.E. cadre, but never had the chance to attend one. This was the first time I had the rare opportunity to attend one personally. While my wife… Read more »

Crossing the Laugh Line

by Arun Venugopal; India Abroad, New York, March 12, 2004 Jokes from Vijai Nathan **My sister is a Born Again Christian. My mother was very upset when she converted. She said, ‘Why does she have to be Born Again Christian? We are Hindu – we are born again and again and again!’ **My parents were always… Read more »

FeTNA Convention in Washington, DC

The 17th Annual National Convention of the Federation of Tamil Sangams of North America will take place in Washington, DC on July 2, 3, 4 & 5. [Eventually ended up being held in Baltimore, MD] Originally published March 9, 2004  

Facts & Opinions About American Elections

by Wakeley Paul; USA, published March 9, 2004 SOME FACTS AND OPINIONS ABOUT THE ON COMING AMERICAN ELECTIONS: HOW DOES IT AND CAN IT AFFECT EELAM? I am sure my views do not meet with [the editor’s] approval and are therefore highly controverial from an average Tamil viewpoint. That is what makes it interesting. It should… Read more »

Franchise Denied

by Tamil Guardian Editorial; published March 6, 2004 Franchise Denied: The Tamil vote has been thwarted – again As Sri Lankans go to vote at their third parliamentary elections in the space of five years, large sections of the Tamil people are once again to be hampered in exercising their right to vote. As at the… Read more »

Leadership Training for Immigrant Women

published March 3, 2004 From: christopher.nugent /A_T/ hklaw /D_O_T/ com Leadership Training for Refugee and Immigrant Women Refugee Women’s Network, Inc. (RWN) has begun preparations for the eighth cycle of the Leadership Training for Refugee and Immigrant Women. You are invited to nominate a refugee or immigrant woman leader, or self-nominate if you are a… Read more »

Tamil Language Summer Camp

by Federation of Tamil Sangams of North America (FeTNA); published March 2, 2004 The second annual Tamil language summer camp sponsored by Federation of Tamil Sangams of North America is scheduled to take place early this summer. Any second-generation Tamil student with an interest in becoming proficient in basic Tamil is encouraged to apply. Tamil will… Read more »

Tamil Radio from Central New Jersey

published March 2, 2004 There is a 24 hour Tamil Radio broadcasting online from Central New Jersey. The site is Use it for all your announcements and to keep abreast of local news.

Letter to the International Community

by Dr. Victor Rajakulendran; published March 2, 2004 An open letter to the International CommunityPresidents Prime Ministers Foreign Ministers and Foreign Secretaries of Democratic Nations Your Excellencies Re: Parliamentary Elections in Sri Lanka As you all may be aware, due to the political bickering between Sri Lankan President Chandrika Bandaranayake Kumarathunga (CBK) and Prime Minister Ranil… Read more »

76 Tamil Political Prisoners

by Tamil Centre for Human Rights; Paris, February 24, 2004 TAMIL CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS – TCHR/CTDH CENTRE TAMOUL POUR LES DROITS DE L’HOMME (Established in 1990) http://www.tchr.netPress release Ref : B07F/PR/2004 24 February 2004 There are still 76 Tamil political prisoners and detainees Arrest and detention are legal in any judicial system. But when there… Read more »

The Lion & His Shadow

by Rajkumar Sivapathan; originally published February 27, 2004 School children from all over the world study great stories of how an arrogant lion demanded one animal per day from the inmates of the forest and eventually was tricked and killed by a small hare. It is no doubt that leaders of the world would have read… Read more »

Mind Your Own Business

by Wakeley Paul; originally published February 27, 2004 “WHY DON¹T YOU MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS” says Lakshman Kadirgamar to Deputy British Foreign Secretary What does this portend? The situation in SL sends the shivers up the affluent; the Tamils and the international community interested in continuing the peace process which was begun by the UNF and… Read more »

Will the Election Solve the Impasse?

by Dr. Victor Rajakulendran; originally published February 26, 2004 Will President Chandrika Bandaranayake Kumarathunga’s snap election solve the current political impasse in Sri Lanka? Background of the impasse Sri Lankan President Chandrika Bandaranayake Kumaratunga (CBK) and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesighe (RW) have been locked in a power struggle for months. The feud reached a climax last… Read more »

Tamil Aspirations and Traitors

R Shanmugananthan, originally published February 24, 2004 The recent editorial in the Tamil Guardian on ‘Expressing Tamil Aspirations’ at the forthcoming elections is timely. Though greed of the Sinhala politicians – and in particular Chandrika Kumaratunge – is the reason for this election, the outcome will have far reaching consequences. Firstly the way Sinhalese people will vote… Read more »

Special General Meeting

originally published February 24, 2004 Ilankai Tamil Sangam’s Special General Meeting will be held on Saturday, March 20th 2004 (rain date March 27th, 2004) to finalize the new committee and office bearers. Further details, venue and directions will be sent out to members.

The “New World Order” and Tamils – a Comment

by Rajkumar Sivapathan; February 12, 2004 The events in the past couple of years have changed the life style and attitude of most people in the world. The attack on WTC and the events followed affected many people. The main thing that affected the Tamils was the hurried inclusion of the LTTE, the only organisation that struggles… Read more »

Open Letter to President & PM

by Dr. Victor Rajakulendran; originally published February 24, 2004 An open letter to Sri Lankan President and the Prime Minister February 12, 2004 Her Excellency, Chandrika Bandaranayake Kumarathunga The President of Sri Lanka His Excellency, Ranil Wickramasinghe The Caretaker Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Your Excellencies Re: The current political crisis Your Excellency the President, you… Read more »