Posts Categorized: Economy

Tamil Health Org.’s AGM May 1

THO-USA is a non–political, non-profit organization Our goal is to help rebuild the Healthcare infrastructure of the North-East of Sri Lanka We need your help and support Now, is the time! Event : Annual General Meeting of Tamils Health Organization (THO-USA) Date : Saturday, May 1, 2004 Time : 4:30 PM to 11:00 PM Venue : North Brunswick, New… Read more »

NGOs in the Tamil Homeland

by LTTE Peace Secretariat, Kilinochchi, accessed April 19, 2004 Major Non Governmental organizations (NGO’s) operating in the Tamil Homeland There are three major NGO’s operating in the Tamil Homelands. These are the Tamils Rehabilitation Organization (TRO) formed in 1985, The Economic Consultancy House (TECH) formed in 1993 and the Centre for Women’s Development and Rehabilitation… Read more »

The US & Sri Lanka’s Muslims

by India Abroad News Service (IANS), April 4, 2004 One wonders why the US is being so solicitous of Sri Lanka’s Muslims. There seem to be at least 3 reasons: 1.) A Muslim party was an important constitutent of the last government, so had the information about how the US aid process works, the time… Read more »

Tamils’ Health: The Diaspora’s Role

Centre for Health Care – Sri Lanka In Conjunction With Tamils Health Organization – UKare sponsoring a conference on Tamils’ Health The Diaspora’s Role At The Arnhem Conference Centre Fairfield Halls Park Lane, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1DG, UK 020 8681 0821 On Sunday, 9th May 2004. Email:info /A_T/ tamilshealth /D_O_T/ com Tel:020 8296 8480… Read more »

IMF 2003 Consultation with Sri Lanka

by International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC via ReliefWeb, March 5, 2004 IMF concludes 2003 Article IV consultation with Sri Lanka Public Information Notice (PIN) No. 04/20 Public Information Notices (PINs) are issued, (i) at the request of a member country, following the conclusion of the Article IV consultation for countries seeking to make known the… Read more »

Tamileelam Bank

by Geert De Clercq; Reuters, London, published March 16, 2004 Tamileelam Bank Symbol of Sri Lankan Rebel Autonomy KILINOCHCHI, Sri Lanka (Reuters) – There’s no marble in the lobby, no computer on the counter and no air-conditioning for the customers. The risk of robbery is also very small. Welcome to the Bank of Tamileelam, the world’s… Read more »

Tamils Health Organization-USA AGM May 1

originally published February 23, 2004 It’s peacetime in the North-East of Sri Lanka THO-USA is a non–political, non-profit organization Our goal is to help rebuild the Healthcare infrastructure of the North-East of Sri Lanka We need your help and support Now, is the time for you to help and support! Event : Annual General Meeting of… Read more »

Blood Bank of Jaffna Hospital

originally published February 22, 2004 Dear fellow friends, family, and community members, I hope you are all well and enjoying the new year. As you well know, the situation in Sri Lanka is tenuous at best and the recent political upheaval lends very little hope for such a dire situation. And yet the Tamil population… Read more »

Projects Needed for Vanni Tech Graduates

originally published February 5, 2004 Greetings from VanniTech, As you may know, our students will be finishing up their studies on February 13, 2004. As we prepare them for real life, we would like to get projects that would create employment for them. We already have some website projects from Canada. We are working on… Read more »

Barriers to Equality of Educational Opportunity in Sri Lanka

by Meera Pathmarajah; originally published February 5, 2004 Meera Pathmarajah is a graduate student at Harvard University Graduate School of Education, pursuing a Master of Education Degree in International Education Policy. This paper was written for her final project in a class titled ‘Education Policy Analysis and Research in Developing Countries’, taught by Professor Fernando Reimers…. Read more »

Primary Trauma Course in Jaffna Teaching Hospital

by Dr. C. Ambalavanar; originally published January 29, 2004 Trauma is one of the major causes for emergency admissions at the Jaffna Teaching Hospital. Over the past two decades much of this was due to war-related injuries. However over the past two years, with the reopening of the A-9, road accidents have become a major cause… Read more »

India’s Interest in a JVP Sri Lanka

by Thileelar; originally published January 22, 2004 While there have been many articles written about the military importance of Srilanka to India, many have overlooked the role of Srilanka in India’s long term economic vision. It is obvious that India has been aspiring to be an economic powerhouse and seeks to organize the south Asian countries… Read more »

Tamilchelvan’s Statement to Intl Officials & Organizations

by LTTE Peace Secretariat; Kilinochchi, 19 January 2004 “It gives us immense pleasure indeed to receive you all on behalf of our people and the national leader. You all are striving hard to bring about peace in this island and carryout a noble humanitarian service to people in distress with commitment. In the current political crisis,… Read more »

The Case for Direct Economic Assistance to the NorthEast

by Ana Pararajasingam; published January 18, 2004 [The writer is an Australian based Management Consultant, who, between March 2003 and June 2003 this year, was in Sri Lanka working with the LTTE’s Planning & Development Unit and the World Bank, UN agencies and the Asian Development Bank, to assess the needs of the war torn Northeast…. Read more »

Status of Healthcare in the Vanni

by a Sangam member; originally published December 14, 2003 Many of my friends and colleagues have traveled to NorthEast of the island of Sri Lanka since the ceasefire agreement was signed between the LTTE and the government of Sri Lanka. There have been extensive reports of the destruction of 20 years of war, but none to… Read more »

Workshop on Environmental Management

originally published November 20, 2003 Workshop on Environmental Management in North-East of Sri Lanka. December 1- 4, 2003. Venue: University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka

Tamil Student Volunteer Program

originally published November 20, 2003 Click here to find more information about The Student Volunteer Program (TSVP), an international development NGO coordinated by Canadian high school, college and university students: —————————————— The site had been updated with the Program’s latest experiences in the North and East of Sri Lanka, including: i) Progress reports from Fall… Read more »

Promises to Keep

by Anne Henry; Daily Mirror, Colombo, November 18, 2003 A report released by UNICEF last week on catch-up education for children in the North and East makes for uncomfortable reading. While the Board of Investment trumpets Sri Lanka’s achievements in “lead[ing] the South Asian region… with its high literacy rate of 91% placing it way ahead… Read more »


originally published November 17, 2003 THO USA flyer Nov 2003

Interim Self Governing Authority (ISGA)

Released by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, October 31, 2003 ISGA Interim Self-Governing Authority LTTE Oct 31 2003 LTTE’s proposals for an Interim Self-Governing Authority in the Northeast region of Sri Lanka THE PROPOSAL BY THE LIBERATION TIGERS OF TAMIL EELAM ON BEHALF OF THE TAMIL PEOPLE FOR AN AGREEMENT TO ESTABLISH AN INTERIM… Read more »