Posts Categorized: Human Rights

IS the TNPF Throwing Rocks at a Wasp Nest?

by A Nillanthan, September 24, 2023 [Translated from the original Tamil by Google Translate with corrections by the Editor. Further corrections welcome.] A vehicle of the Tamil National People’s Front (TNPF) was attacked in Trincomalee. The vehicle carrying Thileepan’s picture had first passed that way last year, but the vehicle was not targeted at that… Read more »

Congress Wants to Hold Sri Lanka’s Feet to the Fire on Human Rights

by Anusha Rathi & Jack Detsch, Foreign Policy, Washington, DC, September 21, 2023 Congress is calling on the Biden administration to formally hold Sri Lanka responsible for its human rights abuses and violation of international humanitarian law, including decades of torture, military abuse, and other “horrific crimes” carried out against the country’s minority Tamil population…. Read more »

US Congress Letter re Justice in Sri Lanka

NEWS: Congresswoman Summer Lee and Congressman Bill Johnson Lead Bipartisan Group of Colleagues Urging State Department to Take Action Towards Justice and Accountability for Sri Lanka’s International Crimes – Summer Lee (    

Joint NGO Statement re Sri Lanka Truth Commission

by Amnesty International, Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA), Franciscans International, Front Line Defenders. Human Rights Watch, International Commission of Jurists, International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) International Working Group on Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Campaign, September 4, 2023 Joint Statement re Sri Lanka Truth Commission Sept. 2023 Sri Lanka’s Flawed Plans for… Read more »

ICES: Mass Grave Sites in Sri Lanka

History and Legal Framework by Sophia Bisping, International Centre for Ethnic Studies, 2023 ICES Mass Grave Sites in Sri Lanka 2023 Between 1992 and 2022, at least 32 mass grave sites were uncovered in Sri Lanka. Of the few investigations conducted, none were successful in fully identifying victims, establishing stable narratives of events preceding each… Read more »

India Urges Sri Lanka to Keep Its Promises

Citing ‘inadequate progress’ on rights front by Meera Srinivasan, The Hindu, Chennai, September 13, 2023 India on Tuesday said the progress made by Sri Lanka, on its commitment to fulfill the Tamils’ aspirations, was “inadequate” and urged the island nation to “work meaningfully” to keep its promises. “We have taken note of reaffirmation by the… Read more »

UNHRC’s 54th Session

UN Human Rights Council, Geneva, September 11 to October 13, 2023 . Written Report on ‘Situation in Sri Lanka’ by High Commissioner for Human Rights – UNHCHR Situation of human rights in Sri Lanka Report, Advanced unedited . 1st Meeting |UN Web TV Sri Lanka begins at 2hrs.44min.   2nd Meeting | UN Web TV Interactive Dialogue… Read more »

Meet the Sri Lankan Families Still Fighting for Justice

Almost 15 years after end of nation’s bloody civil war, still no answers as to what happened to ‘the disappeared’ by Andrew Bunscombe, NewsReel Substack, July 11, 2023 Sometimes as a journalist you feel you’ve done a pretty good job. You may be covering a murder trial, you may be watching a pet contest. But you… Read more »

Sri Lanka’s Flawed Plans for a ‘Truth Commission’

We, nine international human rights organizations, have grave reservations about the Sri Lankan government’s proposed National Unity and Reconciliation Commission. Our concerns echo many of those already raised by victims of conflict-related abuses and their families. by Amnesty International, London, September 4, 2023 Index Number: ASA 37/7165/2023 Statement signed by • Amnesty International • Asian… Read more »

Decades After Dictatorship, Chile Mounts Search for Hundreds Who Vanished

President Gabriel Boric authorized a new national search plan ahead of the 50th anniversary of the coup that toppled the government and led to the disappearance and killing of thousands. by Pascale Bonnefoy, New York Times, August 30, 2023, updated September 2 A commemoration in Santiago, Chile, in July for Chileans who were detained or… Read more »

Veeramani Massacre

by Tamil Information Centre, London, August 19 2019, courtesy YouTube. In Tamil with English subtitles. Testimony of victims of massacre of Tamil people in Weeramunya village, Amparai district. Tamil Information Center For more information, se 32nd anniversary of Veeramunai massacre commemorated in Amparai | Tamil Guardian NESHoR – Massacres of Tamil 1956 – 2008 Documented… Read more »

Enforced Disappearances Key Focus of OMP

By Sulochana Ramiah Mohan, Ceylon Today, Colombo, August 26, 2023 The Office on Missing Persons (OMP) in Sri Lanka, responsible for investigating cases of missing individuals, has transitioned from its previous approach of investigating all missing persons to focusing specifically on those who were forcefully disappeared. During a recent media briefing, Chairman of OMP, Mahesh… Read more »

The Boat People

by Watchdog, Colombo, July 12, 2023 For years, Sri Lankans have risked everything, trying to escape their homeland. Crushed by a failing economy, cold-hearted politics, and the brutal realities of world events, many venture into the unforgiving sea. Few return. This is their story. Story by Andrew Fidel Fernando and Mohammed Fairooz Additional reporting and translation… Read more »

On the Inadequacy of a ‘Truth & Reconciliation Mechanism’

To achieve post-war transitional justice by Adayaalam Centre for Policy Research, Tamil Civil Society Forum, Law and Human Rights Center, Vizhuthu, Thalam, Trincomalee, Puzhuthi, Trincomalee, Voice of the Voiceless, July 19, 2023 Response-to-National-Truth-Commission-Final-English-with-Sig-1 The Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) has proposed a new National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC) to promote truth and reconciliation internally…. Read more »

Mass Graves & Failed Exhumations in Sri Lanka

by Journalists for Democracy in Sri Lanka, Families of the Disappeared, Centre for Human Rights & Development and International Truth & Justice Project, June 13, 2023 ITJP Mass Graves and Failed Exhumations June 2023 This joint report examines Sri Lanka’s record of dealing with mass graves from multiple periods of conflict. All over the island,… Read more »

Israeli Complicity in Sri Lanka War Crimes

Must be investigated by Eitay Mack, Al Jazeera, June 27, 2023 It has been more than 14 years since the civil war in Sri Lanka came to an end. Although a semblance of peace has returned to the parts of the country devastated by the 29-year conflict, its victims are yet to see justice delivered…. Read more »

Unearthing the Truth about Sri Lanka’s Mass Graves

by Groundviews, Colombo, June 25, 2023 Sri Lanka’s bloody and brutal 26 year war, which ended 14 years ago, has left many questions unanswered; one of the most important is where are the many thousands of the missing? The answer could lie in the numerous mass graves dotted across the country that hold the remains… Read more »

UN HRC53: Core Group Statement on Sri Lanka

Delivered by Rita French, UK Human Rights Ambassador, UN Human Rights Council, Geneva, June 20, 2023 Thank you, Mr President, This statement is by the Sri Lanka Core Group comprising Canada, Malawi, Montenegro, North Macedonia, the UK and the United States. We welcome Sri Lanka’s initial steps towards addressing concerns around land returns, long-term detentions… Read more »

UNHCHR Oral Update on Sri Lanka

by United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights Nada Al-Nashif, UN Human Rights Council, Geneva, June 21, 2023 Sri Lanka: promoting reconciliation, accountability and rights 53rd session of the Human Rights Council Oral update on promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka Statement by Nada Al-Nashif United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for… Read more »