Posts Categorized: Military

Neutral Position

Tamil Guardian editorial; London, published December 4, 2003 Neutral Position – The LTTE remains neutral on Sinhala rivalry When Mr. Vellupillai Pirapaharan, leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, prepared to deliver his annual Heroes’ Day address last week, he must have been struck by the stark contrast with prevailing sentiments last year. Of… Read more »

Non-violent Peace Force in Sri Lanka

originally published November 29, 2003 In December 2002, 130 delegates from 47 nations chose Sri Lanka as the site of the first Nonviolent Peaceforce pilot project. The Nonviolent Peaceforce is recruiting, training, and sending 50 international civilians to help establish a foundation for sustainable peace in Sri Lanka between 2003 and 2005 The first… Read more »

Next Phase of Negotiations

by Jayadeva Uyangoda, Daily Mirror, Colombo, November 28, 2003 Next phase of negotiations: Don’t wait Is the Southern polity ready to do serious political business with the LTTE? Unless the Sinhalese political class makes up its mind in the next few weeks to do pretty serious political business with the LTTE in the coming months, the… Read more »

“We Are Not Making Preparations for War”

by V. Pirapaharan; LTTE Peace Secretariat, November 27, 2003 LTTE LEADER REJECTS PRESIDENT’S ALLEGATION: “WE ARE NOT MAKING PREPARATIONS FOR WAR” Mr Vellupillai Pirapaharan, the leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in his annual statement commemorating the Heroes’ Day has vehemently rejected accusations made by President Chandrika Kumaratunga that his organisation was strengthening… Read more »

A Truce is Not Enough

by Ana Pararajasingham; The Sunday Leader, Colombo, November 23, 2003  originally published November 24, 2003 A truce is not enough Despite the occasional violations, the truce between the Sri Lankan government and the Tamil rebels has held for almost two years. The long awaited proposal by the Tamil Tigers for an interim governing authority had revived… Read more »

Power Unchecked

Tamil Guardian editorial, London, November 19, 2003 Power Unchecked – Peace is jeopardised in the name of power The constitutional deadlock in Sri Lanka continued this week as President Chandrika Kumaratunga, now comfortably entrenched in her usurped positions at the head of the ministries of defence, interior and media, stood firm against Premier Ranil Wickremesinghe’s toothless… Read more »

LTTE’s Counterproposals

LTTE’s counterproposals puts ball back in government’s court Northeastern Herald Editorial, Nov. 7-16, 2003 The counterproposals put forward by the LTTE to those submitted by the government for the establishment of an interim administration in the northeast appears a much more flexible and moderate document than what many people predicted it would be. Some foretold the… Read more »

AFTA Media Release re ISGA

originally published November 7, 2003 Australian Federation of Tamil Associations PO Box 44, Civic Square, ACT 2608 06 November 2003 AFTA Welcomes Tamil Self Governance Proposal and calls for vigilance by the International Community The Australasian Federation of Tamil Associations (AFTA) welcomes the proposal released on behalf of the Tamil people in Sri Lanka by… Read more »

Cracks in a Strategic Jewel

by Christian Science Monitor editorial, November 6, 2003 Some conflicts in far-off lands such as Sri Lanka can’t be ignored when the country contains a strategic jewel for nations like the United States with globe-girdling navies in search of safe ports of call. Sri Lanka’s prized jewels are, first, its location in the middle of the… Read more »

Threats & Talks, Latent Bias

Tamil Guardian editorials, London, October 22, 2003 originally published October 28, 2003 Can the LTTE be coerced into abandoning Tamil goals? Whilst the Liberation Tigers are expected to forward their proposals for an interim administration for the Northeast to the Sri Lankan government by the end of the month, Colombo has also dampened expectations of… Read more »