Posts Categorized: Diaspora

Dignity or Depravation for Women

Parliament observed a moment of silence, in the midst of the Impeachment Debate, as a mark of respect for Rizana. It is high time some action is taken to show the world that Sri Lanka means business in the fight for women’s rights.

USTPAC Condemns the Saudi Execution of Sri Lankan Maid Rizana Nafeek

USTPAC condemns the Saudi Arabian government for beheading young Sri Lankan maid who was a child when the alleged offence took place, and blames the Sri Lankan government for failure to rise above ethnic considerations to adequately intervene to stop the slaughter. Press Release: United States Tamil Political Action Council – 2 hrs 35 mins ago WASHINGTON,… Read more »

Justice Under Siege in Sri Lanka

It was nothing but raw political power that steered the Rajapaksas to the impeachment route. With provincial economic development under the centre, they deemed they would become king maker in the provinces…

At the same time, the impeachment of the Chief Justice of Sri Lanka, its relation to the rule of law as it relates to the Tamils could also figure prominently in the UN discussions.

Joint New Year Message from Tamil Organizations

Joint New Year Message from Tamil Organizations and Entities World-wide, Supporting Tamils in Sri Lanka Tamil Organizations Joint New Year Message 01 January 2013 [PDF with logos] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Joint New Year Message from Tamil Organizations and Entities World-wide, Supporting Tamils in Sri Lanka   January 01, 2013   On this New Year’s Day,… Read more »

The International Crime of Genocide

The International Crime of Genocide: The Case of the Tamil People in Sri Lanka by Lutz Oette, Tamil Information Centre, London, March 1998 Dr. Lutz Oette is today Counsel at REDRESS, a human rights organisation that helps torture survivors obtain justice, and Lecturer in Law at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)… Read more »

Remembering for the Future

The Remembrance Day events are therefore not just about commemorating the past. In remembering the sacrifices of the past we also reaffirm our commitment to the Tamil struggle. The sacrifices of the past impose obligations on us and command us to struggle to secure Tamil national rights.

“I Remain a Friend of the Sinhala People and of Buddhism”

But on a lighter vein, I recall what I wrote to President Premadasa:-Sir, please turn the lion on the National flag the other way, so as not to threaten the two minorities with the sword!

To His Excellency President Rajapakse, I may quote a Chinese proverb from Wang Suo of Hans dynasty: –Nothing brings greater misfortune than killing those who have already surrendered…
Mr. D.S. Senanayake, the first Prime Minister, who knew the birth pangs and fears of the non-Sinhalese on the eve of Independence, loudly proclaimed to the world: United we stand, divided we fall!

Internal Probe Finds UN Culpable of Inaction in Preventing Mass Atrocities in Sri Lanka

The last phase of the war claimed up to 70,000 lives according to the UN report, and 146,000 are estimated to be missing. In the aftermath of the war, 300,000 Tamils were interned in Manik Farm, described by many as the largest concentration camp the world has ever seen. In sheer magnitude and intent to extinguish a people, this event is the worst mass atrocity of the 21st century and appears to constitute genocide…
The UN must respond by establishing an independent international investigation into allegations of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide committed against the Tamils in Sri Lanka.

UN Internal Review Reinforces the Need for an International Commission

Given the constraint mandate of the LLRC coupled with the “lack of an enabling environment for a judicial follow up” as stated in the UN Internal Review Report, the Secretary-General need not wait till the exhaustion of the domestic remedies. Justice delayed is justice denied.

NCCT on UN Internal Report

Canadians demand UN and the world act swiftly to address the human rights of Tamils in Sri Lanka; urge Commonwealth countries to follow Canada’s lead. by National Council of Canadian Tamils, November 16, 2012 NCCT Press Release – Canadians demand UN and world act swiftly Nov 16 2012 PDF The world and United Nations failed… Read more »

World Tamil Conference Endorses a Momentous Resolution

by British Tamil Forum, November 10, 2012 The World Tamil Conference held in London in the British Houses of parliament last week endorsed a historic resolution, stressing “the United Nation member states to urgently set up an ‘international independent investigation’ into the complete conduct of the Sri Lankan State against the Tamil Nation and specifically… Read more »

Sri Lanka Must Abide By International Human Rights Standards

Of 26 voluntary commitments maden i 2008, Sri Lanka has fulfilled just two. Similarly,
out of 45 accepted recommendations, only 5 have been implemented. Continuing its
deteriorating human rights record, as of May 2009 Sri Lanka stands accused of war
crimes, crimes against humanity, and gross violations of human rights.

Youth Gathering at Sangamam 2012

October 6, 2012 Hello everyone,  We are the organizers of the Tamil Youth Gathering. Our goal is to allow Tamil youths across the nation to mingle and share their roads to success.  On November 3, 2012 we are hosting this event at the Holiday Inn, Somerset, New Jersey. There will be dinner, music, comedians, speakers sharing… Read more »

UNHRC Session in Geneva

Racism in areas of language, education and employment is pervasive and deeply ingrained in Sri Lanka’s social, economic and political structures.

For these reasons and more we request the Special Rapporteur on Racism to make an official visit to Sri Lanka to make an assessment of the underlying structural inequalities and escalating intolerance there…

The Best Sri Lankan Restaurants in Toronto

The best Sri Lankan restaurants in Toronto are often overshadowed by those serving up food from its neighbor to the north. But as good as Indian food is in Toronto, cuisine from this beautiful island nation shouldn’t be missed. In its most traditional form, Sri Lankan food brings to mind a plate of rice served with… Read more »

Diaspora Tamils Want Negotiated Peace

It is the belief of the GTF that the Tamil National Question can only be resolved by political negotiations through a dialogue process. Due to lack of trust within parties in conflict and taking note of the occurrences since independence, GTF believes that any such negotiation must have the support of international governments, including India.

Act Now and Save Lives in Syria – Urges USTPAC

“USTPAC strongly believes any delay in a firm and committed international response will only embolden the regime to continue its murderous campaign. Tamils know all too well about facing an onslaught from a government’s military forces and how inaction by the world community resulted in the death of tens of thousands of innocent Tamil lives in 2009. Syrians deserve immediate and urgent help from the world community, and the UN with help from the US should invoke Responsibility to Protect (R2P),” said USTPAC President, Dr. Elias Jeyarajah.

Two Cheers for Ambassador Patricia Butenis

“Ambassador Butanis made many trips to Tamil areas in the north and east. She looked after American-funded relief efforts. Her visits encouraged the Tamils, who saw that the re st of the world had not put them out of their thoughts. We praise her for this.”