Posts Categorized: Diaspora

Playing with Indian Fire

by Rajkumar Sivapatham, June 14, 2004 As expected by the Tamils, the Sri Lankan president is at her tricks again. That is – giving the impression that she is ready for peace talks in one hand and totally rejecting them on the other. So far, this tactic has worked very well with her Sinhalese political friends… Read more »

The Time has Come to ‘Lock Horns’

by Adrian Wijemanne, June 11, 2004 1. This is the infelicitous phrase to describe the peace talks used by Foreign Minister Kadiragamar in his recent address at a meeting in Washington D.C. convened by the Brookings Institution.  There is a combative fervour about the phrase, as if the conference table were another battlefield.  Memories of… Read more »

The International Trauma Studies Program at New York University is accepting applications until July 15, for its 2004-2005 training program. This unique program, enriched by the participation of a diverse student body, offers a dynamic combination of academic studies, research, and practical experience working with trauma survivors in New York City, the U.S., and abroad. The coming year’s visiting faculty of international pioneers… Read more »

Reel Peace: Six Short Films from Sri Lanka

During the many years of hostilities in Sri Lanka there was a lot of misrepresentation of the conflict and the impact that this was having on the lives of ordinary civilians on both sides. REEL PEACE aims to produce honest and representative stories that can contribute to a wider understanding of the need for social… Read more »

World Refugee Day: June 20

2004 Theme: Rebuilding Lives in Safety and Dignity Each year June 20 is World Refugee Day. This year the theme of World Refugee Day is “A Place To Call Home: Rebuilding Lives in Safety and Dignity.” It looks at the challenges and hopes that accompany refugees in their search for a new home through voluntary repatriation,… Read more »

17th Annual FeTNA National Convention

by Federation of Tamil Sangams of North America Thamizhar Thiruvizhaa – July 2, 3, 4, and 5, 2004 Taking place at Morgan State University’s Carl J. Murphy Fine Arts Center. 2201 Argonne Drive, Baltimore, MD 21251. Presented by… Star Entertainment: “King of Comedy” Mr. Vivek; “Virumaandi” Fame Ms. Abhirami. Light Music Concert: Cine Playback Singer… Read more »

A Funny Old World

by Rajkumar Sivapatham, Harrow, UK. As the JVP and SLFP find out how difficult it is to be in government and to find a peaceful solution to the civil war, events are moving elsewhere. The promises and charges that UFPA has laid against the UNF government have returned to haunt the PA and the JVP… Read more »

Ethnic Crisis: Wishful Thinking in the South

By: Amrit Muttukumaru,, June 5, 2004 The southern polity has largely toyed with the Tamil National Question. The only possible exceptions could be the 1957 Bandaranaike-Chelvanayakam Pact and the August 1995 Devolution Proposals initiated by Prime Minister Bandaranaike and his daughter Chandrika Kumaratunga respectively, where there was a reasonable attempt to address the issue…. Read more »

Hope in the Face of Adversity

published June 3, 2004 HOPE IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY: The role of education in rebuilding Sri Lanka Sunday, June 6th, 2004 at 12 noon Location : Bedford City Hall, Bedford, MA Contact : S. Yoganathan, (781)721-0935 Please join us for a presentation by global educators striving to make a difference… Speakers: Meera Pathmarajah A… Read more »

Oh, What a Tangled Web

by Wakeley Paul; published June 2, 2004 Oh what a tangled web we weave When first we practice to deceive The President hopes to glide along by nurturing opposing factions with the incredible hope of making better strangers of them all. How easy it is for any of them to pull the plug on this hopeless… Read more »

Will Sri Lanka Become Another Cyprus?

by Victor Rajakulendran; published May 27, 2004 Intensive efforts are being made in Sri Lanka by the International Community (IC) to restart the stalled Norwegian facilitated peace process between the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and the Sri Lankan government. Through this peace process, the IC is trying to prevent the island of Sri Lanka… Read more »

Red Herring

by V. Gunaratnam; published May 26, 2004 It is too early to be speculating on where the peace process is heading, but we cannot forever be engaged in political invective, and not go further afield to look at other plausible causes which have forced Sri Lanka to come down from its high-horse in search of a… Read more »

Are They Trying to Take Us for a Ride?

by Rajkumar Sivapatham; published May 26, 2004 The USA and India have recently made statements on the Tamil issue which need some careful examination. The USA’s Ms. Rocca made a statement asking the LTTE to lay down their arms. There have been different reports on exactly what she has said. However, at the outset, she wanted… Read more »

American Gulag

Not so many Sri Lankans are entering the American immigration detention system as a few years ago, but those who are still there need visits and assistance when they are released. -Ed. American Gulag: Inside U.S. Immigration Prisons You can also order on-line from the publisher — and read chapter 7, “The Art of Jailing”… Read more »

Beware of RAW, not Sonia

by Wakeley Paul; published May 21, 2004 While the Sinhala press may have exulted over the prospect that Sonia may have sought to reek some misguided personal revenge against Prabakaran; and while we may breath a sigh of relief that she now will not; the underlying reality remains, that the lurking danger in our midst has… Read more »

Sinhala Political Enmity Will Thwart Peace

Tamil Guardian editorial; London, May 19, 2004 Amid the hectic diplomatic activity of the past two weeks and the broad hints from officials on both sides last week, the prospect of direct negotiations between the Liberation Tigers and the Sri Lankan government seemed brighter than ever before. The comparative quiet this week is hence somewhat… Read more »

Are the People Sending a Message?

by Rajkumar Sivapatham ; published May 16, 2004 The recent elections in two South Asian countries send some messages to the world loud and clear. The important one is that “Don’t take the ordinary people for granted.” Recent Indian election results were shocking to the BJP, despite its records in the government. They were unbelievably surprising to… Read more »

Tamil Children’s Endowment Fund

TCEF – Brightening our children’s future A nation’s most precious resource is its children. The armed conflict in Sri Lanka, along with a decade-old, state-enforced economic embargo has literally and figuratively devastated this resource. Presently, there is a climate of positive change and with the development of the Tamil homeland and peace looming in the… Read more »

Ecumenical Center in Trinco Orphanage

Press Release California-Based Nonprofit Announces Plan to Develop Ecumenical Center in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka San Luis Obispo, California (April 29, 2004): VeAhavta, a nonprofit based on the Central Coast of California, has announced a plan to develop the “House of Peace Ecumenical Center” (“HOPE Center”) on its 7-acre “Grace Care Center” in Trincomalee (Uppuveli), Sri… Read more »

12 Steps for Recent Asylees

MEMORANDUM To: Individuals recently granted political asylum From: Immigrant Rights Program, American Friends Service Committee NYMRO Date: May 10, 2004 Re: 12 Ways to Help Your Asylee Client This memo seeks to outline the steps that you can do as a recently granted asylee to become self-sufficient as quickly as possible. As a refugee, you… Read more »