Posts Categorized: Human Rights

Black July – Riots That Led to War

Twenty years on by Frances Harrison, BBC, July 23, 2003 BBC correspondent in Colombo Twenty years ago, this week, saw the outbreak of anti-Tamil riots in the Sri Lankan capital, Colombo that changed the course of the nation’s history The riots, triggered by the killing of a group of soldiers in the Tamil north of… Read more »

Black July – Culture of Silence

The Accomplice in Crime The Shameful Shadows of Macabre July ’83 By Oswald B. Firth OMI, July 29, 2004 Director, Centre for Society and Religion Editor Social Justice How could a community of people, steeped in the traditional values of compassion and ‘ahimsa’, ever break loose into uncivilised behaviour? “We shall have to repent in… Read more »

Black July – The Politics of Apology

A Personal Reflection by Reverand BJA (UK), July 29, 2004 Without restorative justice there is no constructive peace. As a teenager then, I remember hearing the words of Kasi Anandan: ‘ We can’t trust the Sinhalas. They will never give us our rights. The change of government is like the snake shedding its skin. But the… Read more »

Black July – Broader Vision of the Massacred Political Detainees

[On 24 February 1983, Nadarajah Thangathurai, one of the first Tamil freedom fighters incarcerated by the Sri Lanka government, was sentenced to life imprisonment. On the first of March 1983, he made a statement from the dock of the courthouse, which to this day remains one of the best testaments to the Tamil sentiments in… Read more »

Black July – An Exodus to the Homeland

by Anonymous, July 26, 2004 People rush to their homes for security when they are threatened.  As is obvious, their homeland is the land where their home is located.  Their homeland, or country, nourishes them, providing for their economic and cultural sustenance. Is it that simple, or do we need a legal and anthropological analysis? Multiple workshops… Read more »

Black July – Eyes Of Kuttimani

A Tribute to a Brave Leader by Thanjai Nalankilli, July 25, 2004 Kuttimani (photo – center), a nominated member of Sri Lankan parliament… was forced to kneel in his (prison) cell by his assailants and ordered to pray to them. When he refused, he was taunted by his tormentors about his last wish… He had… Read more »

Black July – Prison Massacres

THE WELIKADE PRISON MASSACRES OF 1983 by S.A. David, President of the Gandhiyam Movement, July 25, 2004 An Eye-Witness The Sri Lanka government rounded up hundreds of Tamil Activists resisting the government attempt to establish a mono-ethnic-mono-religious [Sinhala-Buddhist] state in Sri Lanka. Most of them were engaged in non-violent programs to provide alternate opportunities to… Read more »

Black July – Pogrom in a Divided Country

By Richy Markandu, July 25, 2004 23rd-24th of July are the dates unforgettable in the minds of Tamil ethnic minority of Sri Lanka. These are the days when political member gangs of Sinhalese ethnic majority with the help of government armed forces chose to vengefully attack Tamils ethnic minority, their businesses, homes, temples in south… Read more »

Black July – A Colombo Student Recollects

My experience on July 24th, 1983 – a Colombo Student Recollects by Bala, July 24, 2004 [We urge the readers to write down the facts known to them so that future researchers may be able to use them to evaluate the events that shaped the history of the Tamil people. We must realize that we… Read more »

Black July – Commemoration 1983

Today Tamils all over the world will psychologically relive the events of July-1983. For those who may have forgotten the historic turning point, we do not need to define it in many words, just one picture should tell the story. For the benefit of the new generation of Tamils, Sangam will retrace relevant articles related… Read more »

Black July – Revisited

STATE TERROR BLACK JULY OF 1983 REVISITED By Ana Pararajasingham, July 23, 2004 In late July 1983, Colombo, Sri Lanka’s capital literally burst into flames as angry mobs of Sinhalese went on a rampage burning, looting and terrorising the occupants of Tamil homes in an orgy of violence unparalleled in the Island’s history. The Government… Read more »

World Refugee Day: June 20

2004 Theme: Rebuilding Lives in Safety and Dignity Each year June 20 is World Refugee Day. This year the theme of World Refugee Day is “A Place To Call Home: Rebuilding Lives in Safety and Dignity.” It looks at the challenges and hopes that accompany refugees in their search for a new home through voluntary repatriation,… Read more »

Sri Lanka Scene: Killings Unite Tamils

by T. Sabaratnam; published June 2, 2004 Weekly Review Killings Unites Tamils; India’s Policy Changes The foul Murder Iyathurai Nadesan is dead. The cause he espoused, Tamil Nationalism, has received fresh vigour. The entire northeast ground to a halt in unity today (Wednesday); not merely to mourn the death of a 49 year-old Tamil journalist who… Read more »

Forced Migration

Confronting the Realities of Forced Migration By Stephen Castles, Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford Migration Information Source: May 1, 2004 2024 – Confronting the Realities of Forced Migra.. | Europeans, North Americans, or Australians who rely on the tabloid press might well believe that their countries were under siege by asylum seekers… Read more »

Open Appeal re Sivaram

by Dr. Victor Rajakulendran; published May 5, 2004 An open appeal to the Foreign Ministers of Democratic Nations The Hon. Jan Peterson, State Secretary, Norway Hon. Jack Straw, Foreign Secretary, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London Hon. Javier Solana, Secretary General, European Union Council Hon. Bill Graham, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Canada Hon. Nkosayana Dlamini-Zuma, Minister of… Read more »

Security Council Resolution 1539 re Child Soldiers

Security Council resolution 1539 April 22, 2004 (see article re this resolution at end) “The Security Council, “Reaffirming its resolutions 1261 (1999) of 25 August 1999, 1314 (2000) of 11 August 2000, 1379 (2001) of 20 November 2001, and 1460 (2003) of 30 January 2003 which provide a comprehensive framework for addressing the protection of… Read more »

Tibetan Hunger Strike

by Daniel Wakin; The New York Times, May 1, 2004 Tibetan Hunger Striker Hospitalized On the 29th day of their hunger strike against China’s policies in Tibet, one of three Tibetans collapsed yesterday, and was taken to Bellevue Hospital Center. The two other hunger strikers promised to keep fasting until their demands are met. The hunger… Read more »

UNHCR Urges More Help for Displaced

UNHCR urges fresh bid to help S.Lanka’s displaced COLOMBO, April 29 (Reuters) – The U.N. refugee agency urged the Sri Lankan government and rebels on Thursday to renew efforts to help hundreds of thousands of people displaced by decades of civil war. “There needs to be a renewed focus on resolving this long-standing humanitarian problem,”… Read more »

Intervention on Ponnambalam at UN

by Tamil Centre for Human Rights; April 2004 International Association of Democratic Lawyers – IADL 60th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, Geneva, SwitzerlandItem 17 (b) Human Rights Defenders Intervention by Deirdre McConnell Mr. Chairperson, I speak on behalf of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers – IADL Former High Commissioner for Human Rights,… Read more »

NGOs in the Tamil Homeland

by LTTE Peace Secretariat, Kilinochchi, accessed April 19, 2004 Major Non Governmental organizations (NGO’s) operating in the Tamil Homeland There are three major NGO’s operating in the Tamil Homelands. These are the Tamils Rehabilitation Organization (TRO) formed in 1985, The Economic Consultancy House (TECH) formed in 1993 and the Centre for Women’s Development and Rehabilitation… Read more »