Posts Categorized: Diaspora

‘Chasing Freedom’ on Court TV Monday

A COURT TV ORIGINAL MOVIE ‘CHASING FREEDOM’ STARRING JULIETTE LEWIS Monday, January 19, 2004 9:00 pm EST/PST Court TV Check your local cable listings for Court TV station Chasing Freedom will repeat on Jan. 24 at 9 pm, Jan. 27 at 10 pm and Feb. 22 at 10 pm Tune in to the premiere of… Read more »

Think, India, Think

by Sebsan; Melbourne’s 3CR Tamil Voice, December 22, 2003. The Tamil version is published in Sri Lanka is going through political turmoil caused by a constitutional crisis, whilst the Indian political arena is also tensed at the moment. The ruling BJP has achieved unexpected victories in the recently held state elections. At the same… Read more »

Fait Accompli!?

by M. Nadarajah; originally published January 16, 2004 The several Governments that have been in power in Ceylon, renamed Sri Lanka, of whichever colour or hue, and whether capitalist-oriented or socialist-oriented, have had one common objective and that has been to make it a Sinhala Buddhist country, irrespective of the fact that nearly 26% of the… Read more »

Terms & Conditions

Tamil Guardian editorial, London, January 14, 2004 If the consequences for Sri Lanka’s peoples didn’t threaten to be so tragic, the dynamics of the constitutional crisis gripping Colombo would be farcical. President Chandrika Kumaratunga’s dramatic announcement Tuesday that she intends to remain in office till 2006 – a full year longer than expected – would… Read more »

Review of ‘Tamils in Independent Ceylon’

by R .Shanmugananthan ; Circle Digest, Sunday, January 11 2004, Volume 2001 : Number 3321 TAMILS IN INDEPENDENT CEYLON BY: SUPPIRAMANIAM MAKENTHIRAN Makenthiran.PDF ( Mr. Suppiramaniam Makenthiran has addressed the long felt need for an account of the recent history of Eelam Tamils in English, by publishing his book Tamils of Independent Ceylon. It covers the political… Read more »

Global Myths and Realities

by Wakeley Paul; originally published January 11, 2004 GLOBAL MYTHS AND REALITIES AMERICA¹S APPROACHPresident Bush, on his recent visit to London made a rather presumptuous statement at the Royal Banqueting Hall of Whitehall Palace when he said. “Your nation and mine in the past have been willing to tolerate oppression for the sake of stability……Now we… Read more »

Review of ‘Elusive Mind’

by Shan Ranjit; from Circle Digest, Tuesday, December 30 2003, Volume 2001 : Number 3311 INSIDE AN ELUSIVE MIND ; BOOK REVIEW OLD WINE IN A NEW BOTTLE The latest book by Narayan Swamy (henceforth referred to as NS) on the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and its chief, Vellupillai Pirabakaran is a disappointment. I would… Read more »

Film on US Detention of Asylum Seekers

In New York Jan. 15 Invitation to Sneak Preview and Discussion New Film Shines a Light on U.S. Detention of Asylum Seekers You’re invited to a sneak preview of Chasing Freedom, a new Court TV movie inspired by a Lawyers Committee for Human Rights asylum case. Chasing Freedom stars Juliette Lewis as a corporate lawyer who takes on… Read more »

Kumar’s Calling to Tamil Intellectuals

by Father S.J. Emmanuel; originally published January 5, 2004 Kumar’s calling to Tamil Intellectuals and Professionals On the 4th anniversary of the death of our beloved Kumar Ponnambalam, when the Tamils in and out of Sri Lanka, salute him as a Great Man – Maamanithar –, as a courageous Prophet, who stood up and spoke out in defence… Read more »

Re-evaluating Concepts of Sovereignty

by Ana Pararajasingam; South Asia Analysis Group paper No. 879, January 1, 2004 India’s former Prime Minister, Nehru and Sri Lanka’s former Prime Minister Bandaranaike shared a common Westernised background and an education at Oxford and Cambridge respectively- England’s oldest and prestigious universities. But, the similarities ended right there. By heeding the sentiments that led to… Read more »

US Presidential election 2004

Received from a Sangam member: I encourage Sangam members to get involved in the US 2004 presidential elections. I think now is a good time throw our support behind a candidate and engage our community to get involved locally around US. The relationships we build now with local supporters and party officials can help us… Read more »

Queens, NY Immigrants

by Corey Kilgannon; New York Times: December 29, 2003 Authors Never Left Queens on Three-Year Trip Around the World At a certain subway station in Queens [a borough of New York City], a highly decorated dancer from Tajikistan runs a Bukharan dance studio. At a Jackson Heights table tennis club, a former member of the… Read more »

Christmas Message from Father Emmanuel

Christmas 2003 May the Birthday of this Universal Liberator Enliven the Hope of our own LiberationThe time of Liberation was at hand. Joseph and Mary, destined to carry the divine Liberator into this world Journeyed faithfully into their own land of Bethlehem, They came in obedience to the laws of the Ruler, but the Ruler… Read more »

Status of Healthcare in the Vanni

by a Sangam member; originally published December 14, 2003 Many of my friends and colleagues have traveled to NorthEast of the island of Sri Lanka since the ceasefire agreement was signed between the LTTE and the government of Sri Lanka. There have been extensive reports of the destruction of 20 years of war, but none to… Read more »

Winter Tamil Classes

Vanakkam! Many of you have expressed your interest in attending the first ever Winter Holiday Tamil classes. The Tamil Students Association of the University of Toronto, with the help of a dedicated team of teachers from the United States, including Sendhil Cheran (founder of, are working hard to ensure that these classes be the… Read more »

A Reply to ‘TE Proposals and Beyond’

by Wakeley Paul, Esq.; originally published December 10, 2003 A REPLY TO ‘TE PROPOSALS AND BEYOND’ ANOTHER CHANCE TO JETTISON TALKS AND RESUME WAR?Mr. Mahanama Prematilaka’s article entitled “TE proposals and beyond” published December 8, reminds us of that famous saying ‘We had to destroy the Town to save it.’ Prematilaka’s suggestions for dealing with the… Read more »

Examining the ISGA Proposal

by A. Sri-Jayantha; originally published December 10, 2003 The proposal for an Interim Self-Governing Authority (ISGA) for the NorthEast of Sri Lanka was made public by the LTTE on Nov.1, 2003. The constitutional crisis in the South precipitated by Pres. Kumaratunge on Nov. 4 has allowed us to mull on this proposal and to react to… Read more »

Worldwide Comments on the ISGA

by M. Nadarajan; originally published December 8, 2003 Worldwide Comments on the ISGA of the LTTEComments have been made from around the world on the proposals for an Interim Self Governing Authority (ISGA) submitted by the LTTE. Only a few have been written dispassionately without taking sides. Most have been written either with pre-conceived ideas, or… Read more »

Reaction to Kataragama’s Commonwealth Bid

by Raveen Satkurunathan; published December 7, 2003 Reactions to Luxman Kataragama’s last minute nomination Regarding the last minute nomination of Luxman to the post of Commonwealth Secretary General (SG) has created different emotions amongst many. Primarily amongst the leaders of the UK, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia it has created a sense of outrage that the… Read more »

USIP Classroom Simulation re Sri Lanka

published December 6, 2003 Note especially the links at bottom of page! *********************************************************************** US Institute of Peace Sri Lanka: Setting the Agenda for Peace See these simple teacher tips on running a simulation in your classroom. Scenario The setting for this simulation is a September 2001 meeting in Geneva at which the Government of Sri… Read more »