Posts Categorized: Sri Kantha

Miffed with the LTTE’s Military Muscle

by Sachi Sri Kantha; published May 16, 2004 Miffed with the LTTE’s Military Muscle; a provocative point of view Has anyone wondered why the Washington Poo Bahs who dictate American diplomacy are miffed with the LTTE’s military muscle? Time and again, Eelam Tamils are served with statements from the American political decision-makers that the LTTE should… Read more »

Rajiv Assassination Investigation

by Sachi Sri Kantha; published May 12, 2004 Rajiv Gandhi Assassination Investigation: MDMA and the ‘Merry Go Round Politics’ of the Post-Supreme Court Phase Has anyone bothered to keep a score on the long-running theatrical farce involving the Multi Disciplinary Monitoring Agency (MDMA) and the ‘Merry Go Round’ politics and progress of the post-Supreme Court phase… Read more »

Remembering Malgudi’s Creator

by Sachi Sri Kantha; published May 10, 2004 Remembering Malgudi’s Creator, R.K.Narayan Front Note May 13th marks the third death anniversary of literary giant R.K.Narayan. Herewith, I provide a revised and extended version of my tribute to him, which originally appeared in the now defunct Tamil Nation website in May 2001, following his death. A Trend… Read more »

Fourth Guru Paramarta Story

by Fr. Costanzo Beschi; published May 5, 2004 The Stories of Guru Paramarta: Fourth Story of throwing a fish hook to catch the horse by Fr.Costanzo Beschi [aka, Veera MaMuni] Front Note by Sachi Sri Kantha The fourth story in the Guru Paramarta series describes the folly of disciple Dunce, who ventured to catch a horse… Read more »

Third Story of Guru Parmarta

by Sachi Sri Kantha; published April 27, 2004 The Stories of Guru Paramarta: Third Story of the Journey made on hired Ox by Fr.Costanzo Beschi [aka, Veera MaMuni] Front Note by Sachi Sri Kantha The third story of Guru Paramarta is less sparkling in comparison to the first two stories. This is because, Guru’s five good-for-nothing… Read more »

‘The Indian Theatre’

by Sachi Sri Kantha; published April 26, 2004 Re-visiting R.K.Narayan’s sketch of ‘The Indian Theatre’ I’m an avid fan of R.K.Narayan. It is a pleasure to read the portrayals of the Indian society (both past and present) by him, which are filled with humor and subtle satire pricking the pompous Poo Bahs. In view of the… Read more »

On the Colombo Run

by Sachi Sri Kantha; published April 19, 2004 On the Colombo run of routed Karuna There is a Tamil proverb which refers to the petty-mindedness of temple priests; ‘Even if the God grants divine munificence, the priest wouldn’t give his blessings’ [Kadavul varam koduthaalum Poosari idam kodaan.]. While two Sinhalese and one Muslim analyst openly stated… Read more »

Another Pirabhakaran Knockout

by Sachi Sri Kantha; published April 17, 2004 Nothing but another Pirabhakaran Knockout It’s a good feeling to enter the ring with thousands of people booing you. Especially when you know you can deliver what you predict. -Muhammad Ali [in his autobiography, The Greatest: My Own Story, 1975] Every sport has its own hair-raising magical moments. A… Read more »

Collapse of Col. Karuna’s Chariot

by Sachi Sri Kantha; published April 13, 2004 Much to the dismay of his local and international handlers [stinking skunks, media-bite specialists and prattling wordsmiths included], Col.Karuna’s war chariot collapsed abysmally. These agents had derived much schadenfreude [a German word, which doesn’t have an appropriate equivalent in English; i.e.,malicious joy in the misfortune of others] pleasure during the… Read more »

Tribute to M.K. Eelaventhan

by Sachi Sri Kantha; published April 12, 2004 M.K.Eelaventhan – A Tribute to a Mentor It is gladdening to read in the TamilNet news of April 9th that Mr.M.K.Eelaventhan has been officially nominated by the Tamil National Alliance as one of the two national list parliamentarians, through the Thamil Arasu Katchchi (ITAK). What a turn of events for… Read more »

Guru Paramarta: Second Story

by Fr. Costanzo Beschi; published April 9, 2004 The Stories of Guru Paramarta: Second Story of the Purchase of the Horse’s Egg by Fr.Costanzo Beschi [aka, Veera MaMuni] Front Note by Sachi Sri Kantha Now that Sri Lanka’s President Chandrika Kumaratunga has anointed a new prime minister, Mahinda Rajapakse, for her government, foregoing the opportunity of… Read more »

Guru Paramarta: First Story

by Fr. Costanzo Beschi; published April 7, 2004 The Stories of Guru Paramarta: First Story of the Passage over the River by Fr.Costanzo Beschi Front Note by Sachi Sri Kantha Costanzo Giuseppe Beschi (1680-c.1746) was a Jesuit missionary, born in Castigione, Italy, who landed in Goa, India, at the beginning of the 18th century and spent… Read more »

Sour Grapes Sangaree

by Sachi Sri Kantha; published April 6, 2004 Sour Grapes Sangaree: The Psyche of a Lone, Fence-sitting Fox First to a brief news item which appeared on the first day of March. “Mar 01, Colombo: Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) leader V. Anandasangaree has rejected the TNA’s claim that the LTTE is the sole representative of… Read more »

The RAW Factor

by Sachi Sri Kantha; published April 1, 2004 The RAW Factor in Col.Karuna’s Revolt Soon it will be a month since Col.Karuna publicly parted ways with the LTTE. Did India’s stinking skunks play a role in Col.Karuna’s decision to break ranks with the LTTE? Though evidence (positive or negative) will mount with time to prove or… Read more »

Venugopal Master: 60th Birthday Tribute

by Sachi Sri Kantha; published March 29, 2004 Venugopal Master: a 60th Birthday Tribute to Pirabhakaran’s First Mentor Words most often mutate when they get borrowed by another language and one among the many meanings which they imply gain precedence over other meanings. A good example is the English word ‘master’ [whose root was from Latin, magnus,… Read more »

Tamil Cogs of the ‘Harkara’ System

by Sachi Sri Kantha; published March 21, 2004 Tamil Cogs that Service the Harkara System of News Supply Front Note Following the appearance of my commentary on Col.Karuna [The Tamil Hero turned into a Zero] in the sangam website, one reader requested additional information on the harkara system prevalent in India – to which I have… Read more »

Tamil Hero Turned into a Zero

by Sachi Sri Kantha; March 15, 2004 Col.Karuna: The Tamil Hero who turned into a Zero By fortuitous circumstances, I found myself a guest of Kilinochchi people for a little over four days (March 2nd to 6th and again on 8th), when the Col.Karuna affair flared up in the open. Thus, unlike the contemporary hacks of… Read more »

The Macartney Maneuver

by Sachi Sri Kantha; published February 27, 2004 The Macartney Maneuver: a No-nonsense Straight Lesson from a Cricket Great I’m a subscriber to the Lancet medical journal and the first page I check in a newly received issue is the one which features the humorous column ‘Jabs and Jibes.’ The Feb.21, 2004 issue of Lancet carried a feature… Read more »

Bob Dylan Stares at Sri Lankans

by Sachi Sri Kantha; originally published February 24, 2004 [an up-dated version of what originally appeared in the Tamil Nation website, 24 January 2001] I have a message to posterity in Sri Lanka. If 100 years from now, someone wants to know what was the situation in Sri Lanka at the beginning of the 21st century,… Read more »

A Sri Lankan’s Role in the Leak of Nuclear Secrets

by Sachi Sri Kantha; originally published February 22, 2004 On February 11, 2004, President George W.Bush delivered an address on Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation at the National Defense University, Washington DC. His revelation on the activities of a high-profile Sri Lankan Muslim middleman tied to the leak of nuclear secrets by the Pakistan nuclear scientist… Read more »